Doyle's Fish & Hicky Bar


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Santa Works in Mysterious Ways

I tend to buy odd items that hopefully dont have much competition. So...I found these flying chickens that squawk when thrown. They actually have a rubber band throwing device built into them. I know, pretty silly, but we did enjoy throwing them around the shop. One problem is that the little squawk mechanism didnt work well. Hence the reason it was a closeout.
I called the company and complained and got a RTA.
We left the box open in the middle of the shop floor and went home that evening.
The next morning we arrived at the shop to find chickens scattered the entire length and breadth of the whole acre here. Our shop dog discovered the box and assumed they were 100 dog toys. He carried the chickens everywhere, buried some in the back, and dismembered quite a few all over. Most of the intact chickens were covered in mud and quite unsaleable or returnable. To top it off one of my Einsteins here decided the only thing to do was wash the chickens in a clothes washer, thereby ensuring the squawk mechanism NEVER works again, for any reason.
The only one really happy was the shop dog who now has a chicken dog toy for every nook and cranny of the place. 

Yes, he had a great little Christmas.